Why am I here?

20th Century Fox. Paramount Pictures. Universal Pictures. 

I do not talk about myself, the supreme paintings I once created developing my fine motor skills, or how such pieces became globally recognised as that would be, in all honesty, highly and terribly satirical.

I wish, like many, to have but a mere understanding of the world. Today, such an understanding is as broad as the 7.4 billion people that inhabit this ‘blue marvel’.

7 billion people or just three major film studios and megastructures in today’s entertainment are but a minor few example facets that shape the world today. The very names of corporations suggest their relevance within our society. The very population of our earth justifies the wealth in which they attain. Entertainment itself has existed since the dawn of man I have no doubt and through media entertainment is spurred. Thus, the course I have chosen to study at the University of Wollongong is a link. A link joining two very real elements of existence today. Quiet the existentialist ideal, that through choosing to study where I am and what I do, I might define the meaning in my life.

Studying a Bachelor of Communication and Media Studies – Bachelor of International Studies will hopefully develop and encourage a greater understanding in which I hold of the world.

There is a certain brilliance to entertainment and the many things it brings, or the many ways people achieve it. There is room for so many passions; Film, novels, travel, languages, people and an incredible amount more!

So, why am I here? It might be just as accurate to ask, where do I want to go? Or, where do I see myself in the future?

What does the future bring? How shall I entertain myself?

There are many questions in my mind and of the world at today. University, my course, the people around me and the zeitgeist of the 21st century might just have the answers.

I’ve already discovered that University brings colour into scope. No longer white and black. Maybe scarlet and black.


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